I had to have a sit-down with the most lit duo out of Baltimore. Especially after they shut down the Fire & Ice event, hosted by 1FG (First Fridays Group).

How did you get started?
"I started 410boys with my cousin, and he was never as serious as I was. He was never getting shit done in a timely fashion so I decided to bring it to someone else who is more talented and more hungry. 410Flex has been my brother since day 1, and once we started working seriously on songs and designing the skeleton for our growth, it took off from there." -MikeThePlug
Which of your songs did you enjoy working on the most?
"There have been numerous tracks that I've enjoyed working on with X. Most of them are unreleased, but I would say, up to date, my favourite would be 'Ass For Days' because of the attention it's been getting and the vibe it puts everyone in. I especially the music video we made for it (directed by YMSKZY). This song began the new level of growth that we've been striving for." -MikeThePlug
What inspires you to make music?

"I love music. I started playing the saxophone in elementary school, singing in middle school, and became classically trained in piano. I have always had a passion for music because of how it makes me feel." -MikeThePlug